DOI :és :
Handicap, Oppression, Interiorisation, Norme, Hiérarchisation, AutonomieRésumé
Cette entrée s’intéresse au capacitisme, traduction directe du terme anglais « ableism », à travers le parcours théorique des études sociales sur le handicap. Elle aborde notamment la question de la structure de hiérarchisation et d’intériorisation de la norme engendrée par le système d’oppression pesant sur les personnes ayant des incapacités.
Abberley, P. (1987), «The concept of oppression and the development of a social theory of disability». Disability, Handicap & Society, vol.2, no1, p.5-19.
Barnes, C. (2012), «The social model of disability: Valuable or irrelevant», dans N. Watson et S. Vehmas (dir.), The Routledge handbook of disability studies, Routledge, p.12-29.
Barnes, C., M. Oliver et L. Barton (2002), Disability Studies Today. Cambridge, Polity Press.
Bauman, H.-D. L. (2004), «Audism: Exploring the metaphysics of oppression». Journal of deaf studies and deaf education, vol.9, no2, p.239-246.
Beratan, G.D. (2006), «Institutionalizing inequity: Ableism, racism, and IDEA 2004». Disability Studies Quarterly, vol.26, no2.
Campbell, F.K. (2001), «Inciting Legal Fictions-Disability’s Date with Ontology and the Abieist Body of the Law».Griffith Law Review, vol.10, no42.
Campbell, F.K. (2008), «Exploring internalized ableism using critical race theory». Disability & Society, vol.23, no2, p.151-162.
Campbell, F.K. (2009), Contours of ableism: The production of disability and abledness. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan.
Garland Thomson, R. (2002), «Integrating disability, transforming feminist theory». NWSA Journal, vol.14, no3, p.1-32.
Goodley, D. (2009), «Foreword», dans F. Campbell, Contours of ableism: The production of disability and abledness, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan.
Goodley, D. (2010), Disability studies: An interdisciplinary introduction. Londres, Sage.
Hahn, H. (1986), «Public support for rehabilitation programs: The analysis of US disability policy». Disability, Handicap & Society, vol.1, no2, p.121-137.
Hughes, B. (2007), «Being disabled: towards a critical social ontology for disability studies». Disability & Society, vol.22, no7, p.673-684.
Levi, S.J. (2006), «Ableism», dans G.L. Albrecht (éd.), Encyclopedia of disability, tome 1, Thousand Oaks, Sage, p.2-5.
Masson, D. (2013), «Femmes et handicap». Recherches féministes, vol.26, no1, p.111-129.
Oliver, M. (1990), The Politics of Disablement: A Sociological Approach. Basingstoke, Macmillan Press.
Oliver, M. (2004), «If I had a hammer: The social model in action». Disabling barriers, Enabling environments, no2, p.7-12.
Overboe, J. (1999), «Difference in itself: Validating disabled people’s lived experience». Body & Society, vol.5, no4, p.17-29.
Parent, L. (2017), «Ableism/disablism, on dit ça comment en français?» Canadian Journal of Disability Studies, vol.6, no2, p.30.
Reid, D.K. et M.G. Knight (2006), «Disability Justifies Exclusion of Minority Students: A Critical History Grounded in Disability Studies». Educational Researcher, vol.35, no6, p.18-23.
Shakespeare, T. (1999), «Joking a Part». Body & Society, vol.5, no4, p.47-52.
Shakespeare, T. (2006), «The social model of disability». The disability studies reader, no2, p.197-204.
Shakespeare, T., et N. Watson (2001), «The social model of disability: an outdated ideology?» Research in Social Science and Disability, no2, p.9-28.
Terry, P.M. (1996), «Preparing Educational Leaders To Eradicate the “Isms”». Communication présentée à l’Annual International Congress on Challenges to Education – «Balancing Unity and Diversity in a Changing World», Palm Beach, Aruba, 10-12 juillet.
Weeber, J.E. (1999), «What Could I Know of Racism?» Journal of Counseling & Development, vol.77, no1, p.20-23.
Wolbring, G. (2011), «Ableism, disability studies, and the academy». Equity Matters: Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences, en ligne ( ).
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