Ethnographie imaginative
DOI :és :
Dialogue, Tradition, Imaginaire, Philosophie, MéthodologieRésumé
Qu’est-ce que l’imagination ? En anthropologie tout particulièrement, mais aussi dans de nombreux domaines connexes, les ouvrages spécialisés regorgent de débats à ce propos, et n’ont de cesse de se renouveler. Cette entrée propose un tour d’horizon des différentes définitions de l’imagination à travers plusieurs champs de réflexion.
Baylor, G. (2001), «What Do We Really Know About Mendeleev’s Dream of the Periodic Table? A Note on Dreams of Scientific Problem Solving», Dreaming, vol. 11, no2, p.89-92.
Blackhawk, N. et I. Lorado Wilner (dir.) (2018), Indigenous Visions: Rediscovering the World of Franz Boas, New Haven, Yale University Press.
Boudreault-Fournier, A. (2019), «Film ethnographique»,, Paris, Éditions des archives contemporaines.
Chimisso, C. (2001), Gaston Bachelard: Critic of Science and the Imagination, New York, Routledge.
Crapanzano, V. (2003), Imaginative Horizons: An Essay in Literary-Philosophical Anthropology, Chicago, University of Chicago Press.
Cruikshank, J. (2005), Do Glaciers Listen? Local Knowledge, Colonial Encounters, and Social Imagination, Vancouver et Seattle, University of British Columbia Press et University of Washington Press.
de la Cadena, M. (2010), «Indigenous Cosmopolitics in the Andes: Conceptual Reflections beyond “Politics”», Cultural Anthropology, vol. 25, no2, p.334-370.
Deleuze, G. (1990), Negotiations: 1972-1990, New York, Columbia University Press.
Deleuze, G. (2004), «The Idea of Genesis in Kant’s Esthetics», in D. Lapoujade (dir.), Desert Islands and Other Texts 1953-1974, Los Angeles, Semiotext(e).
De Martino, E. (1973), Primitive Magic: the psychic powers of shamans and sorcerers, Bridgeport, Prism Press.
Dharmoo, G. (2019), «Anthropologies imaginaires: Une critique de la colonialité par la voix et la satire», Anthropologie et Sociétés, vol. 43, no1, p.141-168.
Elliott, D. et D.Culhane (dir.) (2017), A Different Kind of Ethnography: Imaginative Practices and Creative Methodologies, Toronto, University of Toronto Press.
Fuentes, A. (2015), «What evolution, the human niche, and imagination can tell us about the emergence of religion», Theology Today, vol.72, no2, p.170-181.
Glass, A. (2017), «Drawing on Museums: Early Visual Fieldnotes by Franz Boas and the Indigenous Recuperation of the Archive», American Anthropologist, vol. 120, no1, p.72-88.
Haraway, D.J. (2008), When Species Meet, Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press.
Hartigan, J. (2019), «Plants as ethnographic subjects», Anthropology Today, vol. 35, no2, p.1-12.
Hastrup, K. (1994), «Anthropological knowledge incorporated: Discussion», in K. Hastrup et P. Hervick (dir.), Social Experience and Anthropological Knowledge, Londres, Routledge, p.224-237.
Holbraad, M. et M.A. Pedersen (2017), The Ontological Turn: An Anthropological Exposition, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Jérôme, L. (2008), «L’anthropologie à l’épreuve de la décolonisation de la recherche dans les études autochtones. Un terrain politique en contexte atikamekw», Anthropologie et Sociétés, vol. 32, no3, p.179-196.
Jelin, E. (2003), State Repression and the Labors of Memory, Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press.
Kazubowski-Houston, M. et V. Magnat (2018), «Introduction: Ethnography, Performance and Imagination», Anthropologica, vol. 60, no2, p.361-374.
Kirksey, S.E., et S. Helmreich (2010), «The Emergence of Multispecies Ethnography», Cultural Anthropology, vol. 25, no4, p.545-576.
Kleinman, A.(1980), Patients and Healers in the Context of Culture: An Exploration of the Borderland between Anthropology, Medicine, and Psychiatry, Berkeley, University of California Press.
Knight, L. (2013), «Not As It Seems: Using Deleuzian Concepts of the Imaginary to Rethink Children’s Drawings», Global Studies of Childhood, vol. 3, no3, p.254-264.
Kohn, E. (2013), How Forests Think: Toward an Anthropology Beyond the Human, Berkeley, University of California Press.
Kohn, E. (2015), «Anthropology of Ontologies», Annual Review of Anthropology, vol. 44, p.311-327.
Koss-Chioino, J.D. et P.J. Hefner (dir.) (2006), Spiritual Transformation and Healing: Anthropological, Theological, Neuroscientific, and Clinical Perspectives, New York, AltaMira Press.
Laplante, J. (2015), Healing Roots: Anthropology in Life and Medicine, New York, Berghahn.
Latour, B. (2013), An Inquiry into Modes of Existence: An Anthropology of the Moderns, Cambridge, Harvard University Press.
Lynn, J. (2017), «Truth and Imagination in China: Opposition and Conciliation in the Tradition», in H.-G. Moeller et A. Whitehead (dir.), Imagination: Cross-Cultural Philosophical Analyses, Londres, Bloomsbury, p.13-28.
McLean, S. (2007), «Introduction: Why Imagination?», Irish Journal of Anthropology, vol. 10, no2, p.5-9.
Mika, C. (2015), «Counter-Colonial and Philosophical Claims: An indigenous observation of Western philosophy», Educational Philosophy and Theory, vol. 47, no11, p.1136-1142.
Moeller, H.-G. et A. Whitehead (dir.) (2017), Imagination: Cross-Cultural Philosophical Analyses, Londres, Bloomsbury.
Moretti, C. (2015), Milanese Encounters: Public Spaces and Vision in Contemporary Urban Italy, Toronto, University of Toronto Press.
Ofer, B.-Y. (2002), «The Upper Paleolithic Revolution», Annual Review of Anthropology, vol. 31, no1, p.363-393.
Ostenfeld-Rosenthal, A. (2012), «Energy Healing and the Placebo Effect: An Anthropological perspective on the placebo effect», Anthropology & Medicine, vol. 19, no3, p.327-338.
Raffles, H. (2010), Insectopedia, New York, Pantheon Books.
Rapisarda, S. (2014), The Creation of Meaning, Ibidem Films, 90 minutes.
Robertson, L. et le clan Kwagu’l Gixsam (2012), Standing Up with Ga’axsta’las: Jane Constance Cook and the Politics of Memory, Church, and Custom, Vancouver, University of British Columbia Press.
Savransky, M. (2017), «A Decolonial Imagination: Sociology, Anthropology and the Politics of Reality», Sociology, vol. 51, no1, p.11-26.
Scheper-Hughes, N. et M.M. Lock (1987), «The Mindful Body: A Prolegomenon to Future Work in Medical Anthropology», Medical Anthropology Quarterly, vol. 1, no1, p.6-41.
Schick, J. (2019), «Towards an Interdisciplinary Anthropology? The Transformative Epistemologies of Bergson, Bachelard, and Simondon», parrhesia, vol. 31,p.103-135.
Severi, C. (2015), The Chimera Principle: An Anthropology of Memory and Imagination, Chicago, University of Chicago Press.
Simpson, A. (2014), Mohawk Interruptus: Political Life Across the Borders of Settler States, Durham, Duke University Press.
Simpson, A. (2018), «Why White People Love Franz Boas; or, The Grammar of Indigenous Dispossession», in N. Blackhawk et I.L. Wilner (dir.), Indigenous Visions: Rediscovering the World of Franz Boas, New Haven, Yale University Press, p.166-184.
Sneath, D., M. Holbraad et M.A. Pedersen (2009), «Technologies of the Imagination: An Introduction», Ethnos, vol. 74, no1, p.5-30.
Starobinksi, J. (1970), Portrait de l’artiste en saltimbanque, Genève, Skira.
Stoller, P. (2017), «Storytelling, Rouch and the Anthropological Future», Journal des africanistes, tome 87, fascicule 1-2, p.368-378.
Taylor, D. (2003), The Archive and the Repertoire: Performing Cultural Memory in the Americas, Durham, Duke University Press.
Todd, Z. (2016), «An Indigenous Feminist’s Take On The Ontological Turn: “Ontology” Is Just Another Word for Colonialism», Journal of Historical Sociology, vol. 29, no1, p.4-22.
Turner, D. (2006), This Is Not a Peace Pipe: Towards a Critical Indigenous Philosophy, Toronto, University of Toronto Press.
Viveiros de Castro, E. (2011), «Zeno and the Art of Anthropology: Of Lies, Beliefs, Paradoxes, and Other Truths», Common Knowledge, vol. 17, no1, p.128-145.
Visweswaran, K. (1998), «Race and the Culture of Anthropology», American Anthropologist, vol. 100, no1, p.70-83.
Vyshedskiy, A. (2019) «Neuroscience of imagination and implications for human evolution», Current Neurobiology, vol. 10, no2, p.89-109.
Watts, V. (2013), «Indigenous place-thought and agency amongst humans and non-humans (First Woman and Sky Woman go on a European world tour!)», Decolonization: Indigeneity, Education & Society, vol. 2, no1, p.20-34.
Watson, J.D. (1968), The Double Helix: A Personal Account of the Discovery of the Structure of DNA, New York, Touchstone Press.
Whitehead, A. (2017), «Introduction», in H.-G. Moeller et A. Whitehead (dir.), Imagination: Cross-Cultural Philosophical Analyses, Londres, Bloomsbury.
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