Comptes-rendus d'ouvrages
Une recension d’ouvrage ou un compte-rendu d’ouvrage est une analyse critique d’un ouvrage publié. Le texte, les légendes des illustrations, les notes de bas de page et les références bibliographiques ne doivent pas excéder 1 500 mots.
Le commentaire exprime le point de vue de(s) auteur(s) et autrice(s), soutenu par un argumentaire académique et/ou des éléments scientifiques sur un sujet précis relevant de la ligne éditoriale d’Études Inuit Studies.
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Les ouvrages ci-dessous sont disponibles pour une recension mais vous pouvez choisir tout ouvrage de votre choix en dehors de cette liste.
ANDERSON, Wanni W. and Douglas Anderson, 2024, Inupiat of the Sii. Historical, Ethnography, and Arctic Challenges. 151 p. Fairbanks : University of Alaska Press. (PDF)
BRICE-BENNETT, C., 2017, Dispossessed. The Eviction of Inuit from Hebron, Labrador. Montréal : Imaginaire Nord.
COLLINS J. R., 2017, On The Arctic Frontier: Ernest Leffingwell’s Polar Exploration And Legacy. Pullman : Washington State University.
DIPPEL J., 2018, To The Ends Of The Earth: The Truth Behind The Glory Of Polar Exploration. Amherst : Prometheus Books.
DORAIS, L.-J., 2020, Words of the Inuit : A Semantic Stroll through a Northern Culture. Winnipeg : University of Manitoba Press.
FIENUP-RIORDAN, A., 2020, Nunakun-gguq Ciutengqertut. They Say They Have Ears Through the Ground. Animal Essays from Southwest Alaska. Fairbanks : University of Alaska Press.
FIENUP-RIORDAN, A., REARDEN, A., MEADE, M., JERNIGAN, K., 2020, Yungcautnguuq Nunam Qainga Tamarmi. All the Land's Surface is Medicine. Edible and Medicinal Plants of Southwest Alaska. Fairbanks : University of Alaska Press.
FLETCHER A. et M. NEYELLE (dir./eds), 2019, The Man Who Lived with a Giant Stories from Johnny Neyelle, Dene Elder. Edmonton : University of Alberta Press.
HANSEN, L., 2020, Sila : Un Conte groenlandais sur les changements climatiques. Québec : Presses de l'Université du Québec.
HARPER, Kenn, 2024, Give Me Winter, Give Me Dogs! Knud Rasmussen and the Fifth Thule Expedition. Iqaluit and Toronto : Inhabit Media Inc. p. 102. (PDF)
HØIRIS, O., MARQUARDT, O. et C. ANDREASEN, 2023, Magt og autoritet i Grønland. Odense : University Press of Southern Denmark (en danois).
HUAMAN, E. S. and N. D. MARTIN, 2023, Indigenous Research Design, Transnational Perspectives in Practice. Canadian Scholars’ Press.
KALLUAK, Mark, 2024, Mark Kalluak’s Traditional Stories from Arviat, Iqaluit et Toronto : Inhabit Media Inc. 217 p. Bilingue anglais et Inuktitut (PDF)
JOHNSON L. M. (dir./ed.), 2019, Wisdom Engaged. Traditional Knowledge for Northern Community Well-Being. Edmonton : University of Alberta Press, 402 p., illustr., bibliogr.
KILARSKI, M., 2021, A History of the Study of the Indigenous Languages of North America. Amsterdam Studies in the Theory and History of Linguistics Science. Amsterdam : John Benjamins Publishing Company.
KRUTAK, L. et A. DETER-WOLF, 2017, Ancient Ink: The Archaeology of Tattooing. Seattle : University of Washington Press.
MORTON, E. (ed.), 2022, Unsettling Canadian Art History. Montréal : McGill-Queen’s University Press.
NEVILLE R., 2017, Captain Cook’s Final Voyage : The Untold Story From the Journal of James Burney And Henry Roberts. Pullman : Washington State University.
PAX LEONARD, S., 2015, Some Ethnolinguistic Notes on Polar Eskimo. Bern : Peter Lang.
PAYNE, C., GREENHORN, B., KIGJUGALIK WEBSTER, D. and C. WILLIAMSON, 2022, Atiqput. Inuit Oral History and Project Naming. Montréal : McGill-Queen's University Press.
RIVET F., 2014, In the Footsteps of Abraham Ulrikab. The Events of 1880-1881. Gatineau : Polar Horizons, 343 p., illustr., encadrés, annexes, bibliogr., index.
ROBERT-LAMBIN, J. and P.-E. VICTOR, 2022, La civilisation du phoque. Paris : Belin.
SONNE, B., 2017, World-Views Of The Green-Landers: An Inuit Arctic Perspective. Fairbanks : University of Alaska Press.
ULTURGASHEVA, O. and B. BODENHORN (eds.), 2022, Risky futures. Climate, Geopolitics and Local Realities in the Uncertain Circumpolar North. New York andOxford : Berghahn Books.
VAN DEUSEN, K., 2022, Tigers and the Internet: Story, Shamans, History. Montréal : McGill-Queen's University Press.
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