

  • Lucas Aguenier Université Laval, Canada
  • Sabrina Doyon Université Laval, Canada




Futur, Temporality, Change, Political imaginary, Religion, Utopianism


Since the early 2000s, we have witnessed a new fascination with hope, both within the social sciences and anthropology, and in civil society and the political struggle. Associated with the idea of possibility, utopia and opening onto the future, hope has been proposed by a number of thinkers as a response to the growing uncertainty of our times. Under these conditions, hope becomes a call to aspire outside the ideological frameworks of the moment. In ethnographic works, this capacity to aspire to a different future is documented along axes of interrelated motivations, most notably a sense of impending crisis, commitment, activism or resistance, and a reflexive, historical and positioned subjectivity.

Author Biographies

  • Lucas Aguenier, Université Laval, Canada

    Lucas Aguenier holds a Master's degree in Anthropology from Laval University. His master’s thesis focused on the evolution of political autonomy and self-government among several indigenous communities in Chiapas, Mexico. Currently a doctoral student in anthropology at Laval University. He is currently studying the constructions and forms taken by hope in these migratory movements. He is also member of the Centre interuniversitaire d'études et de recherches autochtones (CIÉRA) since 2016.

  • Sabrina Doyon, Université Laval, Canada

    Sabrina Doyon (Ph.D. McGill) est professeure au Département d'anthropologie de l'Université Laval et elle est membre de divers groupes de recherche, dont le Groupe de recherche sur les imaginaires politiques en Amérique latine (GRIPAL). Ses travaux et ses enseignements portent sur les dimensions sociales et culturelles des questions environnementales à Cuba, au Mexique et au Québec. Auteure de plusieurs articles scientifiques, elle a codirigé avec P.S. Brotherton en 2008 un numéro spécial de la revue Anthropologie et Sociétés intitulé Mondes socialistes et (post)socialistes et avec M.F. Labrecque et M. Boulianne, en 2010, l'ouvrage Migration, environnement, violence et mouvements sociaux au Mexique. Dynamiques régionales en contexte d'économie globalisée aux Presses de l'Université Laval.


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