Anthropologie américaine (É-U)
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Anthropology of the USA, American AnthropologyRésumé
L'anthropologie américaine s'inscrit dans une longue tradition de recherche qui donne lieu à la construction de la discipline selon quatre champs et au développement de l'anthropologie culturelle dès sa fondation. La discipline se déploie dans plusieurs universités et les chercheurs développement leurs travaux dans un très grand nombre de sous-disciplines. L'apparition des études des groupes minoritaires ou traités comme tel et cela à partir de perspectives issues de ces groupes contribuent `à l'évolution actuelle de la discipline et à une épistémologie décolonisée.
Abu-Lughod, L., 1991, « Writing against culture », in Richard G. Fox (dir.), Recapturing Anthropology: Working in the Present, Santa Fe, School of American Research Press : 137-162.
Allen, J.S. et R.C. Jobson, 2016, « The decolonizing generation: (Race and) theory in anthropology since the eighties », Current Anthropology, 57 (2) : 129-148.
Anzaldúa, G.E. et C. Moraga (dir.), 1981, This Bridge Called My Back: Writings By Radical Women of Color, Watertown (Ma), Persephone Press.
Asad, T. (dir.), 1973, Anthropology and the Colonial Encounter, Londres, Ithaca Press.
Baker, L.D., 2010, Anthropology and the Racial Politics of Culture, Durham, Duke University Press.
––––, 2021, « The racist anti-racism of American anthropology », Transforming Anthropology, 29 : 127-142,
Battle-Baptiste, W., 2011, Black Feminist Archaeology, Walnut Creek (Ca), Left Coast Press.
Bolles, A.L., 2023, « Decolonizing anthropology », American Ethnologist, 50 (3) : 519-522,
Bourgois, P., 2015, « Poverty, Culture of », International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, tome 18 : 719-721,
Caspari, R., 2003, « From Types to Populations: A Century of Race, Physical Anthropology, and the American Anthropological Association », American Anthropologist 105 (1) : 65-76,
Clifford, J. et G.E. Marcus (dir.), 1986, Writing Culture: The Poetics and Politics of Ethnography, Berkeley, University of California Press.
Derrida, J., 1974, Of Grammatology (G. Spivak trad.), Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins University Press.
Dominguez, V. et J. Habib, 2017, America Observed: On an International Anthropology of the United States, New York, Berghahn Books.
Fanon, F., 2007 [1963], The Wretched of the Earth (R. Philcox trad.), New York, Grove Press.
Freeman, D., 1983, Margaret Mead and Samoa: The Making and Unmaking of an Anthropological Myth, Cambridge, Harvard University Press.
Foucault, M., 1971, The Order of Things: An Archaeology of the Human Sciences, New York, Pantheon Books et Tavistock Publications.
Fuentes, A., 2010, « The new biological anthropology: Bringing Washburn’s new physical anthropology into 2010 and beyond – The 2008 AAPA luncheon lecture », American Journal of Physical Anthropology 143 : 2-12,
Geertz, C., 1973, The Interpretation of Cultures, New York, Basic Books.
Gupta, A. et J. Stoolman, 2022, « Decolonizing US anthropology », American Anthropologist, 124 (4) : 778-799,
Harrison, F., 1991, Decolonizing Anthropology: Moving Further toward an Anthropology of Liberation. Arlington (VA), American Anthropological Association.
Hurston, Z.N., 1937, Their Eyes Were Watching God, New York, Harper Collins.
––––, 2018, Barracoon: The Story of the Last « Black Cargo », New York, HarperLuxe.
Jobson, R.C., 2020, « The case for letting anthropology burn: Sociocultural anthropology in 2019 », American Anthropologist, 122 (2) : 259-271,
Livingstone, F.B. et T. Dobzhansky, 1962, « On the non-existence of human races », Current Anthropology, 3 (3) : 279-281,
Mead, M., 1955, « Adolescence à Samoa » dans Mœurs et sexualité en Océanie, Paris, Plon, coll. Terre humaine (traduction de Coming of Age in Samoa, New York, Blue Ribbon Books, 1928).
Montagu, A., 1942, Man’s Most Dangerous Myth: The Fallacy of Race, New York, Columbia University Press.
Moodie, E., 2022, « Expert witnessing in the asylum economy », Annals of Anthropological Practice, 46 (1) : 72-75,
Nader, L., 1972, « Up the anthropologist: Perspectives gained from studying up », in Dell H. Hymes (dir.), Reinventing Anthropology, New York, Pantheon Books : 284-311.
Oland, M., S.M. Hart et L. Fink (dir.), 2020, Decolonizing Indigenous Histories, Exploring Prehistoric/Colonial Transitions in Archaeology, Tucson, University of Arizona Press.
Platzer, D. et A. Allison, 2018, « Academic precarity in American anthropology », Society for Cultural Anthropology, Member Voices, 12 février,
Ribeiro, G.L., 2023, « From decolonizing knowledge to postimperialism », American Ethnologist, 50 (3) : 375-386,
Rosaldo, R., 1988, « Ideology, place, and people without culture », Cultural Anthropology 3 (1) : 77-87,
Rosas, G., 2023, Unsettling: The El Paso Massacre, Resurgent White Nationalism, and the US-Mexico Border, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press.
Saïd, Edward W., 1980, L’Orientalisme. L’Orient créé par l’Occident, Paris, Le Seuil (traduction de Orientalism, New York, Vintage Books, 1978).
Sapir, E., 1921, Language: An Introduction to the Study of Speech, New York, Harcourt, Brace and Company.
Scheper-Hughes, N., 1995, «The primacy of the ethical: Propositions for a militant anthropology », Current Anthropology 36 (3) : 409-440,
Segal, D.A. et S. Yanagisako (dir.), 2005, Unwrapping the Sacred Bundle: Reflections on the Disciplining of Anthropology, Durham, Duke University Press.
Silverstein, Michael, 2022, Language in Culture: Lectures on the Social Semiotics of Language, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
––––, 2005, « Languages/Cultures are dead! Long live the linguistic-cultural! » in Daniel A. Segal et Sylvia Yanagisako (dir.), Unwrapping the Sacred Bundle: Reflections on the Disciplining of Anthropology, Durham, Duke University Press : 99-125.
Thomas, D.A. et K.M. Clarke, 2023, « Can anthropology be decolonized? » SAPIENS, 24 janvier,
Trouillot, M.-R., 1991, « Anthropology and the savage slot: The poetics and politics of otherness », in Richard G. Fox (dir.), Recapturing Anthropology: Working in the Present, Santa Fe (NM), School of American Research Press : 17-44.
––––, 2003, « Anthropology and the savage slot: The poetics and politics of otherness », in Global Transformations: Anthropology and the Modern World, New York: Palgrave Macmillan : 7-28,
Visweswaran, K., 1998, « Race and the culture of anthropology », American Anthropologist, 100 (1) : 70-83,
Washburn, S.L., 1951, « The new physical anthropology », Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences, 13 : 298-304,
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