
  • Gustavo Lins Ribeiro Université de Brasilia




Cosmopolotism, Decolonization, Network, International aid, Anthropology of the world


The World Council of Anthropological Associations (WCAA) is a network of national, regional, and international organizations. Its goal is to shed light on the plurality of contemporary global anthropology. Born from the initiative of Latin American anthropologists, the WCAA works to integrate and showcase the “other anthropologies” existing outside of North America and Europe.


Bartolomé, Miguel Alberto (2006), Procesos Interculturales. Antropología Política del Pluralismo Cultural en América Latina, Mexique, Siglo, 21e édition.

Castro-Gómez, Santiago et Ramon Grosfoguel (dir.) (2007), El Giro Decolonial. Reflexiones para una Diversidad Epistémica más Allá del Capitalismo Global, Bogota, Siglo Hombre Editorial/Pontifícia Universidad Javeriana.

Kuwayama, Takami (2004), Native Anthropology. The Japanese Challenge to Western Academic Hegemony, Melbourne, Trans Pacific Press.

Quijano, Anibal (1993), «Colonialidad del poder, eurocentrismo y América Latina». Dans Edgardo Lander (dir.), La Colonialidad del Saber: Eurocentrismo y Ciencias Sociales. Perspectivas Latinoamericanas, Buenos Aires, CLACSO, p. 201-246.

Rappaport, Joanne (2005), Intercultural utopias, Durham (NC) et Londres, Duke University Press.

Restrepo, Eduardo and Arturo Escobar (2005), «Other anthropologies and anthropology otherwise: steps to a world anthropologies framework», Critique of Anthropology, vol.25, n°2, p.99129.

Reuter, Thomas (2018), «World Council of Anthropological Associations». Dans Hilary Callan (dir.) International Encyclopedia of Anthropology, Hoboken (NJ), John Wiley & Sons, p.6506-6514.

Ribeiro, Gustavo Lins (2014), «World Anthropologies. Anthropological cosmopolitanisms and cosmopolitics», Annual Review of Anthropology, vol.43, p.483-498.

Weil, Jim (2014), «World Anthropology. First Articles in the New Section», American Anthropologist, vol.116, n°1, p.160.

World Council of Anthropological Associations, www.wcaanet.org.


