Deaf culture


  • Charles Gaucher Université de Moncton



Deaf identity, Deaf community, Deafness, Deaf studies, Communication


Since the 1980s, numerous authors reported a strong endogamy between deaf people, historical facts pertaining to the deaf community, but especially, the languages that are specific to this singular group of people that call themselves, the Deaf. These observations gave birth to the idea of a unique deaf culture which is the object, in this article, of an attempt at a definition based on the landmark works that have brought up this concept.


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Holcomb, T. (2013), Introduction to American Deaf Culture. New York, Oxford University Press.

Lachance, N. (2007), Territoire, transmission et culture sourde. Québec, Presses de l'Université Laval.

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Lane, H. (1993), «Vue historique de la médicalisation de la surdité de culture». Psychanalyste - Revue du Collège de psychanalystes, nos46-47, p.173-187.

__________ et al. (1996), A Journey into Deaf-world, San Diego, DawnsignPress.

Padden, C. (1980), «The deaf community and the culture of deaf people», in C. Baker et R. Battison (dir.), Sign language and the deaf community: Essays in honor of William C. Stokoe, Silver Spring (MA), National Association of the Deaf, p.89-103.

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