Reciprocal action, Exchange, Influence, Process, RelationshipAbstract
Interactions suggest a reciprocal action or an influence that can be observed between two or multiple players, phenomena, or elements. This notion is the result of reflections within different fields that have been able to adapt it to their needs while preserving common characteristics. Today, it is used with its variants notably in sociology, anthropology, communication, but also in more recent fields such as the interaction between humans and computers.
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- Globalisation
- Knowledge TRansmission
- Geopolitics
- Claims
- Non-verbal Language and gestures
- Orality
- Language Practices
- Producing Culture
- Colonialism and Post-colonialism
- interculturality
- Languages
- Crossbreeding
- Multiculturalism
- Individuals
- Social Interactions and Dynamics
- Migrations
- Human and Non-human Relationships
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