

  • Marcelo Otero Département de sociologie, UQAM



severe and persistant disorders, deviance, psychopathology, asylums


The reference to madness remains an essential operator to affirm the impossibility of studying what are commonly called “severe and persistent disorders” only in terms of mental, psychic or psychiatric pathologies. From the appearance of the first asylums explicitly intended for the insane to the psychopathological categorisations of contemporary psychiatry textbooks, passing through the countless literary accounts, pictorial frescoes and philosophical discourses, attempts to define the universe of madness lead to various answers. and contrasting. To quote only Pascal (1652-1653): “Men are so necessarily mad, that it would be mad by another trick of madness not to be mad”. If madness is unavoidable, how to define this universal experience in social and cultural terms?


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Fassin D. et R. Rechtman, 2007, L'Empire du traumatisme. Enquête sur la condition de victime, Paris, Flammarion.

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Kardiner, A., 1939, The Individual and his Society, New York, Columbia University Press.

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Kluckhohn, C., H.A. Murray et D.M. Schneider (dir.), 1949, Personality in Nature, Society, and Culture, New York, Knopf.

Laplantine, F., 1973, L’ethnopsychiatrie, Paris, Éditions universitaires.

Lévi-Strauss, C., 1955, Tristes Tropiques. Paris, Plon.

Linton, R., 1947, The Cultural Background of Personality. Londres, Routledge et Kegan Paul.

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