

  • Denis Cerclet Université Lumière-Lyon 2, France



body, bodily practices, processus, plasticity, embodiement, rythme, researcher’s body, sensitive experience


It was around the 1960s that interest in the body in anthropology grew. At the beginning of the 20th century, the links between psychologists, physiologists and anthropologists produced a conception of the body that Marcel Mauss, for anthropologists, will initiate with texts now famous. The body and the mind are the product of a social modelling that allows separate individuals to share systems that can integrate them into a collective dynamic. More recently, with the interdisciplinarity, the influence of philosophy and the sciences of cognition, the body becomes a project and place as much of the distinction produced by the originality of the body as collaboration, true collective and reciprocal action, through which bodies constantly emerge from their relationships with people and things.


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