

  • Géraldine Mossière Université de Montréal, Canada




Beliefs, Ritual practices, Religion, Traditions


Contemporary enthusiasm for spirituality is largely based on the opposition between religion and spirituality, which remains above all a construct of secularized societies of Christian heritage. The genealogy of the concept shows its historical articulation with established religious traditions, as well as its recent cultural and political appropriation. As a category of thought, the term refers to the experiential dimension of religion, as well as to lifestyles and ethical orientations, and is part of the reign of the self that characterizes postmodern societies. However, its epistemological indeterminacy poses a problem when considering phenomena outside the Western context.


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Mossière, G. (dir.), 2022, New Spiritualities and the Cultures of Well-being, s.l., Springer Cham, coll. Religion, Spirituality and Health: A Social Scientific Approach, 6. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-06263-6

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