About the Journal

The journal Laval théologique et philosophique (LTP) is committed to the promotion of diverse and complementary works in theology, religious studies, and philosophy with a particular interest in the major issues of our time (ethical, religious, cultural, social, aesthetic, epistemological, etc.) as well as to a critical and constructive engagement of the wide-ranging traditions of thought (biblical studies, theological studies, ancient and contemporary philosophy, etc.) which have defined these fields. Attentive to both the complexities of the modern age and to the rich history that has shaped philosophy, theology, and religious studies, the journal LTP intends – especially through its special thematic issues and chronicles (such as on patristic studies and the reception of the Second Vatican Council) – to be a forum, a meeting place as it were, where different voices and styles of discourse are welcome, particularly from the fields of theology, religious studies, and philosophy, but also from literature, the social sciences, etc. in order to foster a conversation that is at once pluralist and multidisciplinary.

You may consult our editorial policies as well as the issues previously published on the Érudit site

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