Éthique de la considération : transdescendance et transascendance


  • Jean-Marc Barreau Université de Montréal


With a methodological background as a clinical and speculative approach and for anthropological purpose a realistic phenomenology, this article starts from the qualitative and comparative analysis of 80 verbatim all made with patients met and accompanied in palliative care. Their data, with the aim of offering a spiritual accompaniment of each of these spiritual wounds, make it possible to establish a typology of the said spiritual wounds calling upon two distinct anthropologies: the first appropriates the typology of the experience of transcendence as suggested by Louis Roy, when the second suggests an overcoming of it from Corine Pelluchon's appropriation of Bernard de Clairvaux's anthropology. An ultimate vision that opens to a conception of spiritual healing different from the psychospiritual paradigm.


