Théodore de Bèze face aux "bons défenseurs de la foi cacolyque". Un silence stratégique avant l'ultime réponse ?


  • Sangoul Ndong Université Assane Seck de Ziguinchor


In the Discours des misères de ce temps, Ronsard claims that it would be, for him, to do too much honor to the Genevan preachers, in particular in Montméja, to play against them by interposed works. But Bèze, whom he waited on the ground of the disputatio to dispute against him on the subject of the discord between Catholics and Protestants, first opposes a refusal to the apostrophes which he addressed to him in this direction , as he did to the authors of the pamphlets against him. This study examines the reasons for this silence and its rhetorical value, then it comments on the preface to Poëmata where Bèze finally responds, in a pungent way, to the defenders of the Catholic faith who attacked his person since he played a leading role in the Reformation.


