"Human life matters !" Le cri de la υἱοθεσία dans la septième Homélie du 'De Beatitudinibus' ('Beat. 7') de Grégoire de Nysse


  • Alphonse D. Niane USEK


What is Man? The issue is developed in a global context where attacks on human dignity are resurging in an impressive and disturbing way. Yet the Gospel illustrates the Man under the paradigm of the Incarnate Word, the One Son of God, as capable of good. Moreover, Man is ultimately created as a reflection of the good; he is elevated, by grace, to the dignity of the adopted son of God. Man honors this status if he shows its dignity by constantly making peace. This article proposes to examine these elements as they were advanced by Gregory of Nyssa in Beat. 7, in the light of recent denunciations of attacks on human dignity.


