À la croisée des chemins. Louis-Marie Chauvet et le "symbolique"


  • Patrice Bergeron Faculté de théologie et de sciences religieuses, Université Laval, Québec


Louis-Marie Chauvet developed his theory of the symbolic during the structuralist years. However, the way in which he, as a theologian of the sacraments, conceptualized the “symbolic” makes his theory vulnerable to criticism coming from multiple directions. This article examines the hypothesis of a theoretical tightening around cultural and social anthropology and the concept of symbolic exchange, in order to extend the theology of the covenant and of the grace developed by Chauvet and his study of Christian rituality. Chauvet’s itinerary also bears witness in its own way to the challenges encountered by any theologian attempting to dialogue with humanities and social sciences; he quickly finds himself at a crossroads.


