L’appel au visuel dans le 'Mozi' 墨子. Fonction argumentative et prégnance philosophique de l’hypotypose


  • Anna Ghiglione Université de Montréal, Département de philosophie


This reflection focuses on the importance of hypotyposis in the Mozi both for argumentation and gnoseology. The Mohists availed themselves of this rhetorical figure in order to show the consistency of their doctrines by means of vivid and energetic descriptions of real facts or of imaginary events. The illocutionary force of hypotyposis is for instance brought into play in their criticism of offensive war, and in their apology of beliefs in ghosts and of moderation in funerary practices. One can notice a dyadic interplay between figurality and conceptualization rather than a sharp dichotomy. These considerations might shed a new light on the question whether Chinese thinking is imagery-oriented.






Dossier «Lieux de la pensée chinoise. Diversité des problèmes et des formes de l’expression philosophique en Chine»