Salut et santé chez Paul Tillich d’après deux écrits de 1946


  • Jean Richard Faculté de théologie et de sciences religieuses, Université Laval, Québec


Here is a study on two articles of Tillich, published in 1946, about salvation and health. The first one deals with the eschatological and cosmic character of salvation. Tillich offers a non supranaturalistic interpretation to the eschaton. Moreover, he asserts the cosmic dimension of salvation: the world as such is saved, non only the individual. –  In the second article, he distinguishes between physical, psychical and spiritual health and healing. So doing, he overcomes the Cartesian dichotomy between pure extension (the body) and pure consciousness (the spirit). With such an insistence of the psychical, theology is opened to the realm of the unconscious.

Author Biography

  • Jean Richard, Faculté de théologie et de sciences religieuses, Université Laval, Québec

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Dossier «Santé et salut chez Paul Tillich