La logique de la lumière chez Pseudo-Denys l’Aréopagite


  • Marilena Vlad Institut d’Études Sud-Est Européennes, Bucarest


This article focuses on the concept of light in Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite’s treatises The Divine Names and The Mystical Theology. The aim of the analysis is to show that light is not only a divine name, but has a much more complex role in Dionysius’ thinking. First of all, light makes possible the unfolding of all divine names. Furthermore, it explains the meaning and function of the divine name of “good”. Light is the essence of this name, as well as of all the other divine names, permeating them all and uniting them together in an originary structure. Finally, in its ultimate suppression – which identifies light with its complete opposite, the darkness – all names and theological lights are also suppressed and surpassed, opening towards the highest mysteries of theology.


