Le concept d’'Ubuntu' et la guérison du paralytique en Marc 2, 1-12


  • Alexandre Kabera Université de Laval à Québec


Ubuntu is a concept from African cultures that means "humanity" or "kindness" in reference to solidarity and fraternity. It emphasizes the importance of community in the lives of individuals and the need to consider the needs of others in our own decisions and actions. In the account of the healing of the paralytic in Mark 2:1-12, we can see how the four bearers and the crowd show Ubuntu in helping the paralytic access Jesus to receive his forgiveness and healing. Jesus himself shows Ubuntu by forgiving the paralytic and healing him, thus putting his needs before the rules and prejudices of society. Applying the concept of Ubuntu in exegesis can therefore offer a non-Western perspective on the biblical text by highlighting the values ​​of community and compassion present in the narrative.


