Le Dieu au-delà de Dieu et le Soi : lecture croisée de Tillich et Jung. Proposition d'un prolongement concret à la foi absolue du 'Courage d'être' avec l'interprétation jungienne des rêves


  • Christophe Gripon Institut Protestant de théologie


Tillich's masterpiece, The Courage to Be, presents a theology of self-affirmation in God, challenging the traditional symbols of theism. But the faith it proposes, described as "absolute", lacks concrete symbols for this courage to be. In another text, however, Tillich underlines the disadvantage of critical theology, which demythologizes Christian symbols, and highlights the interest of analytical psychology (Jung) for theology. In this paper, we show that a differentiated reworking of the Jungian Self archetype brings it closer to the "God beyond God" of absolute faith. On this basis we propose a concrete extension of this faith with the Jungian interpretation of the symbols present in our dreams.


