Le visage de l’hébreu au grec : au sujet de l’emploi de 'prosôpon' dans le Pentateuque grec


  • Jean Maurais Faculté de Théologie Évangélique - Acadia University


The Hebrew word pānîm is used to denote the face but also to form complex prepositions (e.g., "in the presence of") or idiomatic expressions (e.g., "lift up the face of"). These expressions have posed significant challenges for the Septuagint translators. An examination of a variety of examples from the Greek Pentateuch reveals a number of linguistic innovations involving prosôpon. Similarly, places where the equivalence with prosôpon is sometimes avoided, either for linguistic or ideological considerations, are also of interest. When it comes to God, particular Hebrew expressions appear to have been consciously reformulated. The translators thus demonstrate their creativity in resolving theological difficulties for their readers.


