Chercher Dieu dans ces villes aux mille visages. Explorations théologiques à partir de témoignages écrits


  • Patrice Bergeron Faculté de théologie et de sciences religieuses, Université Laval, Québec


“We need to look at our cities with a contemplative gaze, a gaze of faith which sees God dwelling in their homes, in their streets and squares" (Francis, Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium, November 24, 2013, no. 71). There is a good deal of audacity in this invitation, because the “presence of God” in the city is not necessarily obvious, even more so when one seeks God as Savior. Nevertheless, what do Christians discern and see these cities filled with people and diversity, when they dare to look out for God’s action? What characterizes such a spiritual gaze? In other words, what do they see and how do they see? This article addresses these issues with a series of testimonies written by Christians trained in the “Ignatian Spiritual Exercises” who, in their city on different continents, were invited to walk and to contemplate. Analyzing these testimonies sheds light on Christian faith in action and on the way this gaze of faith functions, being able to discern traces of grace amidst urban ambivalence.


