Inclusion policy

In our commitment to inclusiveness and diversity, you will see over the issues that our journal will make a point of offering to those who wish it, a progressive editorial approach using what Camille Circlude has called Post-binary typography: Beyond inclusive writing (Éditions B42, 2023) [1]. In this innovative work, the author explores the dimensions of typography and type design in the context of inclusive, non-binary and post-binary writing, offering a reflection on how visual language can adapt to better reflect the diversity of gender identities. Our approach therefore wishes to go beyond the simple recognition of traditional genres: it aims to respect and reflect the richness of human identity in all its complexity. By deliberately choosing not to limit ourselves to a restrictive gender binary, we embrace a variety of perspectives and experiences in creative ways, contributing to a more inclusive and representative dialogue.

By choosing not to confine ourselves exclusively to a binary perspective, we invite a multitude of voices and experiences, thereby enriching the dialogue in our journal in a deeply creative and inclusive way. However, we are also aware that “hyper-inclusiveness” can lead to its own complications. Thus, we offer those wishing to submit an article to Musiques: Recherches interdisciplinaires the freedom to align with the editorial approach that most authentically resonates with their identity, their beliefs and their discourse, ensuring that our quest for inclusiveness remains balanced and respectful of the diversity of perspectives.

Thus, the use of post-binary writing in our pages is not trivial. It is a reflection of our conviction that language has the power not only to describe but also to shape our reality. By recognizing and valuing a plurality of gender identities through our linguistic choices – heirs of deep traditions – we actively participate in creating a space where all people can feel seen, recognized, heard and respected.

In the same vein, it is more important than anything to us to make people contributing to Musiques : Recherches interdisciplinaires visible by adopting the Chicago bibliographic standard because this bibliographic style also highlights the full citation of first names. Going beyond the sole cultural issue of the use of names, this editorial choice makes it possible above all to make more visible the contribution of under-represented groups in the field of scientific publication, in particular that of women and non-Western specialists.

This editorial approach is a key element of our mission: to encourage research and discussion that cross and exceed disciplinary boundaries but also social, political and cultural categories. By allowing the choice of post-binary writing, Musiques: Recherches interdiscplinaires is committed to being an avant-garde platform, where respect for each individual in their singularity is a priority, thus promoting mutual enrichment through the diversity of voices that make up the world of musical research.

