“Chess for overall development” software in the frame of Reflection and Activity
https://doi.org/10.51657/ric.v4i1.41001Mots-clés :
Cultural-historical psychology, Development, Learning, Help in overcoming learning difficulties, Pedagogics, Reflective-activity approach, Chess for overall development, Ability to think in mind, Stage-by-stage formation of mental actions, Computer software.Résumé
The paper discusses “Chess for overall development” project, which is based on Reflection and Activity Approach in helping overcome learning diÿculties. The project has been running for over 12 years now, putting theory of the approach into practice in several cities throughout the Russian Federation. One of the key elements in this project is developing the ability to think in mind using chess problems and sequential progress through material where solving of problems becoming more idea-based and less action-based using the notion of the stage-by-stage formation of mental actions. Unlike other methods teachers use to teach chess, the Chess for Overall Development project views chess primarily as a psychological instrument for helping develop the ability to think in mind. The basis for the ideas of the project is L. S. Vygotsky’s cultural-historical psychology. Vygotsky’s notions on the development of the human psyche are implemented and partially expanded as part of the project. In recent years the software “Chess for overall development” was made designed with full compatibility with the principles of the reflection and activity approach and implementing the notion of the ability to think in mind development and sequential transition from material to ideal plane of mental actions. We present detailed description of the software features as well as its approbation results collected in schools, universities and hospitals.
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