Play and Toy in the frame of Cultural-Historical Psychology
DOI :és :
Play, Pretend play, Imaginary situation, Traditional toys, Tech toys, Child development, Child’s activity, Psychological examination of toysRésumé
The intention of this paper is to show the specific of L. S. Vygotsky’s approach to child play and toy as the tool of play. Vygotsky paid special attention to pretend play the essence of which consists in a divergence of the imagined and real situation. Such play promotes the development imagination, thinking, self-control, voluntary behavior, self-awareness, social interrelationship, emotional intelligence. The main tools of a children play are toys. Functions and characteristics of toys are presented. It is indicated that the good toys should be open for various actions and the ideas of the child. However the majority of modern toys are equipped with technical devices which don’t allow the child to show his/her own activity. Playing with such toys comes down to a putting buttons that unlike a pretend play doesn’t develop the abilities in the child. Tech toys, and electronic games present a new developmental situation and it is necessary to study the impact this kind of activities have on the development of young children. In the last part of article criteria of psychological examination of toys are presented.
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