Development of constructive response to frustration in adolescence using arts-based approaches
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Reactions to frustration, Adolescents, Psychological and emotional regulation, Mental states, Positive emotional response, Perezhivanie, Self-regulation, Arts-based approaches, Art therapyRésumé
The article focuses on the problem of the emotional development constructive response in adolescence, which is of increasing relevance within the context of the rise in negative social manifestations, changes in social situation of development. The aim of this research is to formulate a constructive response model’s development to adolescent frustration from socially advantaged and disadvantaged groups using art-based approaches (specifically art therapy) combined with traditional psychological tests and modeling experiments. The study draws on the concepts of L. S. Vygotsky about the peculiarities of adolescents’ mental development and the role of this period in the formation of personality, as well as various aspects of a˙ect and needs development in childhood (L. I. Bozhovich). The study considers the position of mental states as a particular psychological category and their (states) integrating function, conception of the regulation of mental states (N. D. Levitov), theoretical and experimental development for the diagnosis, management, and directed formation of the mental states (Yu. B. Nekrasova) as well as the concept of experiencing (“perezhivanie”) as described by F. E. Vasilyuk. A range of methods, combining quantitative and qualitative approaches were used in the study: video observation (outlined in the protocols); mathematical statistics; tests and modeling experiments. Experimental studies were carried out over a duration of five years within three di˙erent types of schools in the region of Moscow (n= 203, aged 13-15). One conclusion of the experimental studies, the author‘s program was implemented in a number of educational institutions in Moscow and other regions in Russia.
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