Subjectness Position Relative to Educational Activities in Different Age Periods
DOI :és :
Subjectness position, Educational activities, Subjectivity, Reflexive-activity approach, Junior schoolchildren, Adolescents, Senior schoolchildren, Awareness, Reflection, Educational difficulties overcomingRésumé
The concept of subjectness position relative to educational activities is considered in the article as one of the central one for the reflexive-activity approach. The author’s defini-tion of this concept is given. The main results of the research concerning the attitude to educational activities in di˙erent age periods among Russian school’s pupils are given, which show that, on the one hand, it is the subjectness position that is extremely impor-tant for many aspects of educational activities, but at the same time the Russian pupils subjectness position intensity decreases in the adolescent period. Nevertheless, in Russia there are pedagogical systems that contribute to the development of the pupils’ subjectness position.
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