The context of the global pandemic as a possible source of innovation: Expansive learning and resolving contradictions


  • Aude Gagnon-Tremblay Université Laval
  • Jessy Turcotte Université Laval



COVID-19, expansive learning, activity theory, teaching practices, contradictions


The closure of schools caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has caused a great deal of concern in educational circles. Indeed, students no longer had access to traditional education in schools. Teachers had to adapt quickly to the new emergency measures and teach remotely, in virtual mode. In addition to having to learn a variety of digital tools, they were under pressure in terms of the quality of their teaching and the supervision of students. The unusual and uncertain climate caused by the pandemic has therefore led several actors in the school community to reflect on their practice to improve the educational experience of students for the future return to class. This mandatory change in pedagogical strategy represents a challenge likely to create tensions among teachers who have decided to use new, more student-centered pedagogical approaches. This article, anchored in the third generation of activity theory, is based on a systematic review of the literature, and analyzes how the challenges generated by virtual teaching have been able to promote the expansive learning of teachers. This review of the literature suggests possible contradictions representing the four levels established by Engeström (2001) and proposes steps likely to lead to a sustainable transformation of the activity. In conclusion, it argues that the resolution of the contradictions experienced by teachers will promote both the transformation of their teaching practices as well as their adaptation to the new virtual reality.


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How to Cite

The context of the global pandemic as a possible source of innovation: Expansive learning and resolving contradictions. (2022). International Review of CRIRES: Innovating in the Tradition of Vygotsky, 5(2), 63-73.