Learning design for teacher-student co-agency in hybrid spaces
https://doi.org/10.51657/ric.v7i1.51883Mots-clés :
emergent technology, hybridity, agency, zone of possibility, teacher-studentRésumé
This paper reflects on hybrid learning design focusing on co-agency between teachers and students. The research question is: How could learning design with technology leverage the hybridity of the learning environment and teacher and student co-agency for post-pandemic learning? To answer this question, we examine academic publications for related studies to derive possible post-Covid learning design principles to answer the research question. Aligned with the focus of bridging hybridity, we draw on studies involving different emerging technologies from two different contexts: France and Singapore. The implications for hybridity, co-agency, and zone of possibility are analysed. The discussion stresses the virtual, material, and agentic transformation in hybrid learning design for a post-pandemic learning design.
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© Marie Antonietta Impedovo, Seng Chee TAN 2023

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