Iconotextual narration at the service of creative activity. Didactic device and anthroposemiotic approach to make the pupil a creator-actor of his learning.

Exploratory research conducted in cycle 1 in the canton of Vaud in Switzerland.


  • Maud Lebreton HEP-BEJUNE
  • Rachel Attanasio HEP-VAUD




creative activities, semiotics, album, narration, multimodality


This research was conducted in three cycle 1 classes in the canton of Vaud in Switzerland. Based on the creative process of Wallas (2003) and the identified factors of creativity (Lubart, 2003), it proposes to put the posture of creator in a social semiotic perspective by using the multimodal narration of the album as a mediating object. The results of this research make it possible to refine the initial process by invoking, in particular, astonishment (Thiévenaz, 2017), inquiry (Dewey, 1993) and Vygotsky's symbolic play (1978). The creative act, by being anchored in the individual's reality, generates experiential learning in and for him, by the group and for the group (Sullivan, 2017).

As pedagogical support of choice, notably because of the richness of the offer, the affective dimension of the images and the narration, the album is a composite object whose semiotic complexity forces a process of metaphorical meaning-making described as highly creative (Kress, 2010). Thus, the organizing principle of each modality present allows for the establishment of relationships which, when deepened by the students' actions, become the basis for learning beyond the strict framework of the discipline and developing skills that are both productive and constructive (Pastré, 2006). As the motivation of the sign-maker depends on his or her interests (Kress, 2010), participation in a narrative that has to find its conclusion places the student in the position of a creator-actor of his or her learning.

The multimodal medium serves here as a material for (re)conceptualisation in which the transmediation (Suhor, 1984, cited in Sullivan, 2017) specific to the composite nature of the medium is put at the service of the creator's posture. The object produced can then take an active role in the construction of meaning (Bowker & Star, 2000), making the process a transformative practice (Conne, 2008) for the learner who critically co-constructs her/his learning (The New London Group, 1996; Sullivan, 2017). Referring back to social semiotics, learning is here considered primarily as a situated meaning-making process (Budach, 2018; Mottier Lopez, 2016) from an anthropological perspective of education (Ingold, 2018).


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How to Cite

Iconotextual narration at the service of creative activity. Didactic device and anthroposemiotic approach to make the pupil a creator-actor of his learning. : Exploratory research conducted in cycle 1 in the canton of Vaud in Switzerland. (2022). International Review of CRIRES: Innovating in the Tradition of Vygotsky, 6(3), 23-45. https://doi.org/10.51657/ric.v6i2.51468