La volition et l’agentivité transformatrice : perspective théorique de l’activité


  • Yrjö Engeström Center for Research on Activity, Development and Learning (CRADLE), Université de Helsinki
  • Annalisa Sannino Center for Research on Activity, Development and Learning (CRADLE), Université de Helsinki



Agency, . Volition, Change, Laboratory, Library, Double stimulation


This article examines the formation of transformative agency in organizations, using Vygotsky’s theorizing of will and willful action and the dialectical principle of ascending from the abstract to the concrete as points of departure. Vygotsky’s principle of double stimulation offers a framework within which limitations of conceptualizations of agency may be overcome. To illustrate and further examine a different approach to agency, the article discusses a Change Laboratory intervention conducted in a university library. The analysis depicts transformative agency as willful collective engagement in overcoming critical conflicts with the help of mediating cultural artifacts characterized as second stimuli by Vygotsky. In the case analyzed here, the second stimulus was elaborated on and implemented as a theoretical abstraction with expansive generalizing potential for multiple concrete applications. The analysis indicates that, for serving as a second stimulus and initial abstraction, artifacts have to be appropriated by the participants as instrumentality for working out their conflicts and investing in agentive initiatives to transform their activities.


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Scientific papers

How to Cite

La volition et l’agentivité transformatrice : perspective théorique de l’activité. (2013). International Review of CRIRES: Innovating in the Tradition of Vygotsky, 1(1), 4-19.