Autonomous professional development among teachers in the context of the pandemic


  • Viorica Dobrica-Tudor Chercheure indépendante
  • Alexandra Coutlée Centre de services scolaire de Laval



professional development, pandemic, teacher profile, social media, pedagogical advisor


Through this research we explored whether the cognitive, social and technical mediations developed between certain education actors, in the particular context of a disruption of practices due to the COVID-19 pandemic, have led to professional development among teachers working in elementary and secondary schools in Quebec. Forced to teach remotely or in hybrid mode by a long period of confinement, teachers had to keep in touch with students and ensure the continuity of their learning. This context has led teachers to turn to various mediation resources, such as through peers, social media or educational advisers. Operationalized by changes in practice in the context of an unprecedented health crisis, the professional development of the 29 participating teachers was studied using the Q methodology. The classifications of the statements developed for this purpose highlight three teacher profiles: those whose professional development was mainly based on interactions with known colleagues, teachers who relied more on their reflections and pedagogical advisers and those who were inspired by professional exchanges on social media to develop their practice. Related to teaching in specific contexts, our results could be used by pedagogical advisers to better support the development of professional skills allowing the adaptation of teaching practices to unusual situations.


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How to Cite

Autonomous professional development among teachers in the context of the pandemic. (2022). International Review of CRIRES: Innovating in the Tradition of Vygotsky, 5(2), 95-111.