M-XITY: MaXimize the agentIvity of the student and accompanying adulTes during the Numer-active process of an intervention plan.


  • Audrey Raynault Université Laval




collaborative practice competencies, agentivity, educational tehnologies, school- family collaboration, educational technologies, initervention plan


Best practices in the development of Individual Education Plans (IEPs) agree that the more involved the student, the more involved the parents, and the more successful the student will be. In doing so, the collaborative practice fostered during the IEP cycle must maximize the active participation of the student and his or her parents. Although these recommendations are not new, their implementation remains challenging. Thus, this article presents the results of an intersectoral collaborative exploratory research study that we have entitled M-XITY. This study follows the initiative of field actors in a school wishing to strengthen active student participation through a more collaborative practice during the IEP cycle. Thus, a Numer-Active IEP device and a selection of collaborative practice skills to be mobilized during the IEP cycle show how student agentivity can be fostered. These two strategies presented in this article will be tested jointly during the second year of the project. They aim at improvement in various aspects as well as the recognition and urgency of, for example: using the IEP as a pedagogical rather than administrative tool; developing practices and strategies that allow the student to demonstrate self-determination and agenticity during the phases of the IEP cycle; and strengthening collaborative practices between the student, parents, and school and health and social service providers


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How to Cite

M-XITY: MaXimize the agentIvity of the student and accompanying adulTes during the Numer-active process of an intervention plan. (2022). International Review of CRIRES: Innovating in the Tradition of Vygotsky, 6(1), 152-180. https://doi.org/10.51657/ric.v6i1.51438