"Thinking outside the box: Multiple forms of educational and participatory relationships through school-family-community organization alliances, a case study


  • Delphine Tremblay-Gagnon Université Laval
  • Jrène Rahm Université de Montréal
  • Ferdous Touioui Université de Montréal
  • Laurent Fahrni Université de Montréal




school-family-community collaboration, educational ecologies, pedagogical relationships of care, informal learning


Several studies suggest that community organizations can offer enriching learning opportunities to youth. Such opportunities, if well-structured and mediated, can build on youths’ strengths and interests and help them develop to their full potential. In this paper, we offer a case study of “ruelle de l’avenir”, a community organization that offers in-school, afterschool and community-driven activities for children, youth, families and schools. We do so through a study of learning in movement, and by centering the emergence of learning and becoming within different activities with a focus on the forms of relations and participation that emerge through agentive acts by its participants. We offer illustrations of it through a qualitative study and synthesis of what participating teachers valued, supplemented by vignettes of some of the activities that make evident forms of relations and participation that emerged in the school, family and youth activities. We also attend to the manner some youth navigated the opportunities part of the learning ecology “ruelle de l’avenir” and show how moments of participation in different activities over time can lead to a rich learning trajectory and ambitious future aspirations. In closing, we challenge current epistemologies, ontologies, and axiologies, and call for a holistic understanding of learning and becoming as already put forward by sociocultural theory.


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How to Cite

"Thinking outside the box: Multiple forms of educational and participatory relationships through school-family-community organization alliances, a case study. (2022). International Review of CRIRES: Innovating in the Tradition of Vygotsky, 6(1), 181-201. https://doi.org/10.51657/ric.v6i1.51448