The conclusions reached by Boyer and Bissonnette in 2021 are valie in 2023: A response to the text by Allaire and colleagues (2022).




distance education, virtual school, face-to-face teaching, teaching method, achievement effects


Boyer and Bissonnette (2021) published a synthesis of research that measured the effects of virtual school on student achievement before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.  The researchers showed that fully online schools generally produce significantly lower learning gains than brick-and-mortar schools. Following this publication, Allaire et al. (2022) reanalyzed some of this research and present different arguments attempting to mitigate the ineffectiveness of virtual schools. In this article, we take up each of these arguments and demonstrate that they are flawed, invalid, and unauthorized. Therefore, we consider the conclusions made by Boyer and Bissonnette in 2021 to be just as valid and tenable in 2023!


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How to Cite

The conclusions reached by Boyer and Bissonnette in 2021 are valie in 2023: A response to the text by Allaire and colleagues (2022). (2023). International Review of CRIRES: Innovating in the Tradition of Vygotsky, 7(1), 113-121.