Creative and social activities in Minecraft:  How a video game is mobilized into a social digital literacy approach


  • Maria Antonietta Impedovo Aix-Marseille Université



digital culture, digital objects, pairs, digital games


Although interest in children's digital culture in early childhood education is on the rise, research has so far paid limited attention to their digital culture in informal contexts. Our research question is as follows: what are the social and digital literacy implications of children's informal activity in digital games? Drawing inspiration from socio-material theorization as well as Rogoff's work (2014), we explore the social activity of creation within virtual environments. In our case study, we identify two main dimensions: resources for creating digital objects and the social status of digital objects. The interaction between the material and virtual world reveals the richness of dialogues between actors and objects, both inside and outside of games, suggesting new modes of play and engagement with reality.


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How to Cite

Creative and social activities in Minecraft:  How a video game is mobilized into a social digital literacy approach. (2024). International Review of CRIRES: Innovating in the Tradition of Vygotsky, 7(2), 47-61.